Drafting Powers Of Attorney In Harrisburg
As a part of your estate planning, you want to put a power of attorney in place, giving your chosen person the legal authority to act on your behalf if you cannot. The power of attorney can help your loved ones move swiftly to protect your interests, as well as theirs, allowing them to make legal, financial and/or medical decisions for you. You want an experienced lawyer to help you draft and execute the power of attorney so that it grants the powers necessary without causing you to unnecessarily forfeit control of your affairs.
About Our Firm
At the law office of Cunningham, Chernicoff & Warshawsky, P.C., we have protected the rights of people across central Pennsylvania since 1978. Our lawyers have more than 130 years of combined legal experience. We strive at all times to minimize the costs of legal representation, using our experience, skill and knowledge to meet your needs in a cost-effective manner. We offer large-firm results with a small-firm attitude, combining hard work and determination to get the outcome you seek.
Helping You Put An Effective Power Of Attorney In Place
We can help you protect your rights with a:
- Durable power of attorney – A durable power of attorney stays in effect until the death of the person assigning the power. This avoids the need for a new power of attorney, should the grantor need to assign power of attorney on a temporary basis. We can also set up a power of attorney for a limited time, to cover a specific event or period of time.
- Springing power of attorney – A power of attorney can go into effect immediately, or it can “spring” into being when certain conditions are met. An example of a springing power of attorney is one that is effective only if the grantor is declared disabled by a licensed physician.
- Limited power of attorney – A power of attorney may govern all legal, financial and medical decisions or it may be for a limited purpose such as a health care power of attorney.
Contact Us Today
For a private consultation with an experienced Harrisburg attorney for drafting powers of attorney, contact our office by email or call us at 717-260-3527. Visa and MasterCard are welcome.