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Can I Stop A Garnishment?

There are few things more embarrassing or damaging to your finances than a garnishment. It can lead to bounced checks that can quickly turn your financial situation from bad to worse.

If you act quickly, you can stop a wage or bank account garnishment by filing bankruptcy. At Cunningham, Chernicoff & Warshawsky, P.C., in Harrisburg, we offer a free initial consultation to discuss how you can put an immediate stop to garnishments. Call us at 717-260-3527 to talk to a lawyer.

What Is A Garnishment?

If you owe money to a creditor, the creditor can sue you to collect the debt. If the creditor wins the case or if you fail to respond to notice of the legal action, the court will issue a judgment against you. The creditor can use the judgment to garnish your bank account or, in some cases, your wages.

How Does Filing Bankruptcy Stop A Garnishment?

Bankruptcy includes an automatic stay that prevents creditors from attempting to collect any debts that you owe. They cannot sue you, they cannot call you and they must stop any debt collection efforts. Filing bankruptcy will stop a garnishment in its tracks.

Filing bankruptcy can also get rid of credit card or other debt that led to the garnishment.

Can I Get Back Money That Has Already Been Garnished?

If you act quickly enough, an experienced bankruptcy attorney may be able to get back some or all of the money the creditor took from you.

For More Information About Stopping a Garnishment

To arrange a free initial consultation to discuss a garnishment with an attorney, contact us online, or call us at 717-260-3527.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.